For those of you who purchase League Pass Broadband to watch your Pistons basketball and currently have an Xbox 360 or are thinking about buying one, I bring you good news!
Xbox LIVE pushed their latest update to all consoles today and in doing so launched the NBA Game Time app which is validated by your NBA League Pass broadband account.
This allows you to watch any and all Pistons games through your Xbox 360/TV in STUNNING HD!!!! I'm still waiting to confirm whether the app is only available in the US or if it's also available outside the US so more to come but figured folks would appreciate knowing that they can now get their Pistons on the big screen without shelling out cash to Comcast.
The app itself is pretty slick with's Top 10 plays of the night and other pre-packaged higlights playing when you land on the main screen similar to what you'd find from Additionally, it will also be linked with the upcoming SmartGlass technology that MS is releasing that will allow you to have a second screen that is tethered to the experience on the screen. There really aren't many limits to what they could do with the 2nd screen but even the most basic level of having stats, etc. will be cool.
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